Sole trader invoice template

As a sole trader you own your business and are responsible for every aspect of your operation – so don’t get bogged down in time consuming day-to-day tasks like invoicing. We have a great selection of beautifully designed sole trader invoice templates that you can customize to make sure you are paid properly for the goods or services you provide. Available in Word, Excel, PDF, Google Docs, and Google Sheets, these invoice templates help you save time on administrative tasks so you can get back to growing your business!

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Choose the best invoice template for your sole trader business

Small business

No matter how big or small your business is, or what services or goods you provide – this free invoice template is flexible enough to be used to bill all your customers. Add lines to describe all the details so you get the payment you deserve.

No matter what services or goods you provide – this free small business invoice template is flexible enough to be used to bill all your customers. Add lines to describe all the details so you get the payment you deserve.

Regular customers

Don’t waste your energy creating a new invoice for regular customers. Use your time to continue to dazzle them with your great customer service. Just download, customize and use this invoice template for all your loyal customers.

Multiple orders

When you supply multiple goods or services, it can eat up way too much time creating a new invoice for each order. Make it easy on yourself with this easy to reuse, fully customizable invoice template.

Retainer services

This invoice template is perfect for long-term clients who hire you on retainer. It can be modified to be sent bi-weekly or monthly for retainer fees or subscription services. You’ll never lose track of payments with this organized, professional template.

This invoice template is perfect for long-term clients who hire you on retainer. It can be modified to be sent bi-weekly or monthly for retainer fees or subscription services. You’ll never lose track of payments with this organized retainer invoice.

Agency clients

Don’t waste your energy designing an invoice. Use your time and effort delivering your services to your valued agency clients. This free template can be easily customized to meet all your agency invoicing needs.

Alternatives to using sole trader invoice templates

Make your sole trader business a success by finding out more about what Wave can offer you. Save time and take even more work off your hands by trying our free automated invoicing and accounting.

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Why sole traders should send professional invoices

Illustration of invoice being sent

Your customers all have different needs and requirements – and that’s part of the joy of operating your sole trader business. But it also means you need an invoice that captures all you do for your customers. No off-the shelf invoice will do – you need one that can be flexible, but at the same time doesn’t take up lots of your valuable time. By clearly outlining the work you’ve done and the prices you’ve charged with an easy-to-use, professional-looking invoice template, you’ll make running your business that much easier.

Your invoices should also reflect your great work. Every touch point with your customers should reflect your image and professional reputation as a self-employed professional.

How to fill out your sole trader invoice

Once you've downloaded your free invoice template, you'll need to customize it to fit your specific business. Here are the 10 key things to include on your invoice:

  1. Title and Description: Name the project and briefly describe what type of work your client is being invoiced for.
  2. Company Details: Add your company name, address, phone number, and logo to the top-right corner.
  3. Customer Details: Under "Bill To", add your customer's name, address, and contact information.
  4. Invoice Number: Include a unique invoice number to help you track down this invoice in the future. You can format this based on sequence and customer. For example, if you're sending your very first customer their first invoice,  the invoice number could be 001-001.
  5. Dates: Include the date when your invoice has been issued and the date when payment is due.
  6. Line Item: Add individual line items for each unique good or service you provided. For each line item, include a brief description, quantity, individual unit price, and total price.
  7. Subtotal: Add up the subtotal of your goods or services, before tax has been applied.
  8. Tax: Indicate the tax rate applied to the subtotal. This is legally required to provide on invoices, and your rate may differ depending on where you run your business.
  9. Total: Outline the total amount due from the customer, after tax.
  10. Notes: Include any additional info your customer should know, including terms of service and payment terms (for example, payments are due 30 days after the invoice has been issued).

What should be included on an invoice for a sole trader

As a sole trader business owner, the success of your company relies completely on you, so make sure you are invoicing accurately for your services. Follow these simple steps.

Get started for free
  • Browse through our wide range of invoice templates in several beautiful designs and colors
  • Select the one that fits your business and download the invoice template in the format you are most comfortable using, such as Word, Excel, PDF, Google Docs, or Google Sheets. It’s free!
  • Insert your business name and all of your up-to-date contact information
  • Add in your logo, website address, and any other promotional graphics
  • Insert your client’s name and contact information
  • Generate a unique invoice number and add it on
  • Put in the invoice date, and if appropriate, the date the work started and finished, or the duration for which you provided your goods or services
  • List your products and/or services. Include a description and cost for each
  • Don’t forget to list any materials or miscellaneous costs that are charged to the customer, including a description of each
  • Add or subtract lines to make sure the invoice covers all your costs. The template is easily customized to meet the specific requirements of your business
  • If you are including a discount for loyal customers, add a line explaining the discount so your client knows you appreciate their business and are giving them a special lower price
  • Calculate the total price you’re charging, including applicable tax, and list the total at the bottom of the invoice
  • Include your payment terms, such as the methods of payment you accept, and the payment due date
  • As a sole proprietor you want to encourage repeat business, especially from potentially lucrative customers, so always add a “thank you” for the business, or a personal note that will make you stand apart from the competition
  • Save a copy for your records – and give the invoice to your client

Ready to send professional invoices?

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When is the right time to send an invoice to your sole trader customers?

No two sole trader businesses are alike, so the ideal time to send your invoice varies with the type of service you provide, and the type of customer. If it’s a stand-alone order or project, many business owners invoice upon completion, especially if it’s for a loyal client. But if it’s a complicated order, or a project that will span a long period of time, you could request partial or even full payment up front, especially for new clients.

Illustration of hourglass timer

Quick invoicing tips for sole traders

Include professional recommendations

Shorten your payment terms

Include a ‘payment due’ date

Keep a record of your work with numbered invoices

Free Invoice Template vs. Wave Invoicing Software

Free Estimate Template
Starting at $0
Customize estimates and convert them into invoices
Checkmark icon
X mark icon
Send unlimited invoices and see when clients open them
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X mark icon
Send automated late payment reminders
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X mark icon
Know customers automatically get a receipt when they pay
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X mark icon
Track sales and sales tax for accounting
Checkmark icon
X mark icon
Add business partners or accountants as collaborators
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X mark icon
Connect your bank account easily
Checkmark icon
X mark icon
Access accountant-approved reporting for year-end
Checkmark icon
X mark icon

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"payment received" feeling.

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Nothing beats that
"payment received" feeling.

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